Fall 2015 - OSR Grants

Nine BiyOSeF students have been awarded research grants from the Office of Student Research at Appalachian State University during the Fall semester.

Alex MandarinoOptical Tweezers components
Evyn LeeLaser diode, beam splitter and assorted components for RT lab
Nykesha FyffeWave Plate for Automated tweezers lab
Ben GroelkeTwo laser diodes for Autotweezers lab
Jacob ColeBreadboard for Raman Lab
Michael PaolinoMicroscope slide holder for Fluorescence Anisotropy Analysis
Sam MigirditchAutotweezer components 
Brandon Buchanon2D translating stage for Automated tweezer lab
James DienstA variety of silica beads for the Automated tweezer lab
Published: Mar 15, 2016 1:41pm
